Thursday 5 April 2012

Portal of Alchemy - April Services on Specials and Promotions

Portal of Alchemy - Products & Services on Specials and Promotions

Chakra Balancing and Alignment R200 45 min
What is Chakra balancing and aligning?
We each have 7 major Chakras which have their own area of responsibility and each is linked with a different part of our endocrine system. Every sensation, feeling and emotional experience that we have, has an effect on our chakras.
Stress can imbalance our Chakras – this manifests in the form of physical illness and dis-ease; illness dis-ease are often signs that our Chakras are out of balance, and alignment and even blocked.
In order to keep our Chakras to work at optimal efficiency, it is important cleanse our body and energy field (aura) balance and align our chakra’s at regular intervals in order for good health. Think of Chakra Balancing as a sort of tune up for the human body and soul.
Therapy provided:
I have found the most effective method to balance and align your Chakras is through cleansing your body and aura smudging it with white sage and then while lying down I take you into a meditative state, bringing the mind to the body together in one space. I then use colours, sound and apply crystals to amplify balancing and alignment and ultimately transformation.
What it does for you:
Not only will you experience this magical experience of balancing and transformation, you will learn the skills and techniques to add it to your own skill set.
Book your session today

Have a look at :
Multidimensional: Chakras

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